Friday, March 11, 2011

flowers pg 150 - 200


Metacognitive, what an interesting word. My metacognitive during this book was on the entire time. This was one of my favorite books that I have had to read for a class, and the reason that I feel that I was so into it is because I saw a lot of myself in Sonny, or at least I see a lot of the 16 year old me in Sonny. I swear if we would have lived in the same neighborhood than Sonny and I would have clicked instantly. I can especially understand him when he was talking to Nica and he had to talk to her in Spanish even though his Spanish wasn’t the sharpest. I’ve been there many a time when there is a cute girl that wants to talk but I can’t get my charm to translate in Spanish. My mother was a lot different from Sylvia but instead of going out, my mom would always crash out around 9 because she was so tired from me, so that gave me nights to my self to be by myself, doing things that my parents wouldn’t understand. One particular part of the novel struck me with incredible resemblance, and that is when he hooks up with Cindy. She is this 18 year old girl who knows how to have a great time; she smokes, she drinks, she wears bikinis, she likes going to the beach, live by herself during the day… pretty much she does everything that a 16 year old dreams of doing and lives how a 16 year old dreams of living. I kept thinking to myself while I read, “why doesn’t Sonny fall head over heels for this girl!” she gives him alcohol, sex, and drugs and yet he seems not impressed almost. Not impressed in the sense that when he see’s her later that week and she invites him over to her house he says, “not right now… not now. Its too late” (160). That tells me that he isn’t whipped by her! I would have been at her mercy doing anything and everything that she could ask for, she wouldn’t even have to ask for it and I would get it to her. But not Sonny, he must be a mac or something to be 16 and have an 18 year old interested and that not be enough to infatuate him. After that experience though it seemed like Sonny grew up, when he told the twins that story he was calm and didn’t give that many details that the twins didn’t ask for. I remember thinking when he was telling the story to the twins, those twins won’t experience what Sonny experienced for at least another 5 years! Because they were talking about it like Sonny just climbed Mt. Helen, so obviously it was a bigger deal to them than it was to Sonny. So because they recognize the sacredness and amazingness of intercourse, they wont get to experience it the way Sonny did in there teen years. 

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