Monday, March 14, 2011

Rouch draft # 2

Pedro Ulloa

Mrs. Knapp

English 1 b

March 7, 2011

“Cash rules everything around me, C.R.E.A.M., get the money, dollar dollar bill yall!” (Wu Tang Clan). This statement has been true for centuries. Money is the key to freedom in an economy, and for that reason it has been sought after by the world over. Money is hard to come by however, its is the result of work; which for most of the population means long hours of energy draining activities. Thus, working is the key to bettering your life and bettering your future. That is what makes America so wonderful! It is the promise that there will be work here for those who choose to make the trip and it will yield a bright future. One could say the modern American dream has become; work hard to get a good job, make a decent living, and live in a decent place with a fridge stocked with groceries. However this is hard to attain, and that is the struggle that we all find ourselves in. In the book The Flowers by Dagoberto Gilb, the three main characters have very different perspectives on the value and relationship of work and money.

Sonny likes to steal to get what he feels he deserves or to reward himself. He does this in part because he's bored, and certainly because he knows he can get away with it. In the book when he steals the dirty magazines from the couple in apartment #2, he does not feel remorse, even when he is caught by his mother. “I hated having to talk about the nudie magazines I was still embarrassed and ashamed. And to my mom. Maybe this was worse even than the money” (Gilb 220). He feels embarrassed that he has to talk about his touchy subject with his mom but he is not remorseful towards Gina at all. Also Sonny steals the money from Cloyd’s desk! That is a lot of money for a fifteen your old to have! It is one thing that he had to think about it a few times but eventually he did take it. His motive was that his step dad was a jerk, and he could care less if he stole from him, plus the money would mean that he could eat out of the house, and maybe buy something for one of the many girls that he likes, one can understand why he did what he did. Also teens have tendencies to steal just to get away with it, “Preteens and teens know they're not supposed to steal, but might steal for the thrill of it or because their friends do. Some might believe they can get away with it. As they're given more control over their lives, some teens steal as a way of rebelling” (Kidshealth). I think that this is very true for Sonny. Because he feels more adult he feels like he has the right to own some money and sense Cloyd won’t pay him, he takes what he feels he deserves.

Silvia is a character whose idea of money plays a huge role in the book. She is a mother of 2, Latina women, who still likes to live like she is young. Being a parent comes with a lot of responsibilities, one of them being finding shelter for you and your children. I think this need to provide shelter is what fuels her to stay with Cloys Longpre. One can understand that as a mom with a growing boy, staying home is the best job a mother can have. By having a relationship with Cloyd she can provide a house (even though he hates it), food, and since she is not working she can spend more time with her child, if she so chooses. It is clear that Silvia is not in love with him when she says, “ I want to leave. I mean leave. Leave, Me entiendes?” (Gilb 220). If it weren’t for the lifestyle and the benefits, I do not think that Sylvia would be staying with Cloyd.

Cloyd views money like a hawk. A very cheap man he is the owner of the complex and he is all about his money. He put Sonny to work right after they moved and got settled in. He gave Sonny a list of chores and said he was going to pay for it and never did, and that was not because he didn’t have the money to give to him its because he is just to cheap to give him the money even though he recognizes his hard work. He speaks about doing anything to save money as well, like hiring illegal immigrants to do work for him. He also values money straight forward. In the novel he recognizes how special Mr. Pinkston is by noting, “He payed me in cash… even when he moved in all of it in cash” (Gilb 54).

Money is the motive for a lot of people that are living in a slot of situations. Not many things talk louder than money, nothing makes a statement like a cold stack of bills. It helps one get there life together, it can buy one more time, it can mean an end to starvation, it could mean a new turn for the better, money in itself brings hope! When you have money you feel like you matter and you feel like you can do things. Since money is such a key thing many people are influenced by it differently, and its power to change lives should not be underestimated.

1 comment:

  1. You have written a very interesting rough draft on a great topic. Good work! Your introduction and conclusion are exceptionally strong. I also enjoyed how you are able to organize your ideas efficiently and stay tightly focused on your topic. Well done. By the way, I love that song and as I read it, I could hear the audio in my head with that clanging cash register. I like how you draw us in with this. I'd probably set it above the text as an epigraph, but as the writer that choice is up to you.
    Now, you must decide on your critical theory and deepen your analysis of these three characters. Read the Marxist/Sociological perspective. I think this is the best fit for you. Marx was very interested in how economics controlled people's decisions. Also, you have an outside source. You need to introduce the source and add it to your works cited. (use Easy Bib) ask me about this in class, if you aren't familiar with this. Good start here!!
